Was Director of Technical Product Marketing at CyCognito
March 16, 2021
Microsoft Exchange Vulnerabilities – a perfect example why using old technology impacts your security posture today.
Was Vice President of Marketing at CyCognito
February 25, 2021
Zero Trust has implications for every element of your IT infrastructure. See how attack surface management fits into a Zero Trust approach to security.
Was Director of Technical Product Marketing at CyCognito
February 10, 2021
PRE-ATT&CK tactics and techniques can’t easily be addressed with traditional controls. You must look at your network the way the hackers do.
Was Vice President of Marketing at CyCognito
December 29, 2020
The SolarWinds attack (SUNBURST) demonstrates that hackers will find weakness in your extended IT ecosystem that you simply just don’t know about.
Rule Your Risk
December 23, 2020
Learn how effective digital risk management solutions can help you to comply with data privacy regulations including GDPR by mapping your attack surface.
Was Director of Technical Product Marketing at CyCognito
December 17, 2020
Lessons Learned – Attacks on SolarWinds reinforce that your organization needs to proactively discover and secure its attack surface. See how to do it.
Was Vice President of Marketing at CyCognito
December 15, 2020
Attackers generally operate with business-like discipline as evident in the FireEye data breach—presumably for political purposes rather financial gain.
Was Vice President of Marketing at CyCognito
September 9, 2020
Improving Vulnerability Management by Emphasizing your POV (Prioritization, Optimization, and Visibility) Vulnerability management, and the security testing that is part of it, face ever-changing demands. More aggressive attack techniques and legislative requirements alike have driven the need for: Currently, though, both large and small organizations rely on fairly standard vulnerability management processes that have stabilized over the past two decades but don’t necessarily address today’s requirements. Before we look at the mismatch between modern vulnerability management needs and today’s defacto processes, let’s take a step back and look at the steps involved in vulnerability management. Step-by-Step No matter how they…
Was Vice President of Marketing at CyCognito
September 9, 2020
Here are some news ways to manage the digital risk that comes along with your expanding business presence due to digital transformation.
CEO & Co-Founder
July 23, 2020
Attackers succeed when security teams have visibility gaps that they are unable to map. These paths of least resistance are the easy way in.